


Ecole, Shop, hôtel

Extraordinary General Assembly of the WAG

by Contat Fred - Posted on 6/1/23 || Modifié le 2/19/24


The Geneva association Wind Addict Geneva is convening an extraordinary assembly to discuss actions and strategies regarding the closure of the Versoix spot (and Hermance...). I can only encourage you to attend and strengthen the ranks of the association!

Hear ye, hear ye, progress is being made, solidarity is at its maximum, we have all made noise for this, so thank you!
All of this is not over, we have convened an extraordinary general assembly of our association WAG
Let's continue the movement to make this concrete and come in large numbers next Thursday
Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Spot, Maison de Quartier de Chêne-Bourg, Rue François-Perréard, 2, 1222 Chêne-Bourg.
Good vibes, drinks and pizza for all association members offered by WAG